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Welcome on the website of Drylock Technologies (“Website”).

These Terms of Use are drawn up by Drylock Technologies NV, with registered office 9240 ZELE, Spinnerijstraat 12 and enregistered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises in the Legal Entities Register of GHENT, DENDERMONDE department, under the number 0479.766.057 (“Drylock”) and any person which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Drylock (“Affiliates”).

Should you access this Website, whether directly or through a third party, you acknowledge and agree the following provisions. Moreover you agree to be legally bound by and act in accordance with these Terms of Use. Should any provision be unclear or should you not want to accept the Terms of Use, you are not permitted to access this Website.

Drylock reserves the right to alter these Terms of Use at any time and for whatever reason, without providing notice hereof. Therefore you should consult these Terms of Use on a regular basis in order to make sure you are aware of the updated Terms of Use.

Use of the Website

You agree to use the Website for personal, non commercial purposes only. You are not allowed to alter, copy, republish, reproduce, photocopy, transfer, save, process any Content (as defined below) of the Website, nor may you create or operate any links to this Website without the prior written consent of Drylock and/or its Affiliates.

Any content of the website shall mean, without limitation, all:

You are not permitted to undertake anything that could cause any damage to Drylock, its Affiliates or their reputation. Any Content of this Website belongs to Drylock and its Affiliates and shall under no circumstances be used for commercial purposes or purposes such as, but not limited to, data mining, screen scraping, process mining or any other form of business intelligence.

Moreover the Website cannot be used to interfere with or disrupt access to certain persons, nor be used to infringe any legal rights possessed by Drylock and/or its Affiliates.

Any non-authorised use of the Website, regardless of its purposes, will be an infringement of these Terms of Use and will give rise to an indemnity, as set out below.

Intellectual property

Any Content of this Website encompasses intellectual property rights, such as copyright. Therefore, by visiting or using the Website you explicitely agree to reserve all the intellectual property rights to Drylock and/or its Affiliates and not to derive any rights for yourself or any other third party.

Moreover you agree to visit and use the Website only in accordance with the provisions as set out in these Terms of Use. Should any doubt arise as to wether you are permitted to use the Website in a certain manner, you should contact Drylock or its Affiliates before you start using the Website.


Although this Website has been drawn up with the utmost of care, Drylock, nor its Affiliates , give any warranty relative to the correctness, the accuracy, the quality, the security, the reliability, the performance, the availibility or the functionality of any Content of the Website.

Should the Website contain any hyperlink or reference to other websites or products of third parties, Drylock nor its Affiliates shall be liable for any damage resulting from clicking the hyperlinks or following the references.

Drylock shall in any case not be liable for the Website or any Content thereof.

Data protection

Drylock and its Affiliates will handle all information which come into their possession with care and in compliance with their Privacy Policy which forms an integral part of these Terms of Use.

However you should note no connection to the Website can be seen as completely safe or fully confidential. Information transmitted via this Website can be intercepted by third parties.


You explicitely agree to hold Drylock and/or its Affiliates harmless for any damage, loss, cost, liability, expense of, or claim against, Drylock and/or its Affiliates with respect to, or in any way connected to, your use of the Website.

Moreover Drylock or its Affiliates shall be able to hold you liable for any breach of the above provisions or any other non authorised use of the Website or its Content. Drylock or its Affiliates shall be free to choose, amongst the legally provided remedies, the most appropriate sanction for the breach or non authorised use and will be able to block your acces to the Website.

Applicable law

These Terms of Use have been established and shall be governed by Belgian law. Should any dispute arise you agree to seek amicable settlement before starting any legal procedure. Should no amicable settlement be reached, each dispute shall be fully and exclusively judged by the courts of Brussels, Belgium. Any other choice of law rule or any other jurisdiction will be incompetent.

Contact details

Should any questions, remarks, uncertainties or concerns arise while visiting or using the Website, Drylock and its Affiliates can be contacted via:



We are known for being communicative and open to your questions, needs and feedback.